2) Valve Selection Criteria - (1) Valve Coefficients and Three Principal Types of Flow Type

1. Valve Coefficient

When you design the pneumatic or hydraulic system, according to the Bernoulli’s equation in compressible flow situation

where $g$ is the gravity acceleration constant, $h$ is the height of the fluid line from the reference point, $\rho$ is the density property of fluid being analyzed, and $\int dP$ is the pressure drop within the measurement time scope. Above term is the mechanical energy of the fluid per unit mass. There are the constraints to use the Bernoulli’s equations, which are:

These things are considered deeply in Fluid Mechanics sections, so these are skipped in this time. Usually the closure element, such as a plug or a disk, is located just off the seat, which leads to the possibility of creating a high pressure drop and faster velocities—causing cavitation, flashing, or erosion of the trim parts. In addition, if the closure element is closure to the seat and the operator is not strong enough to hold that position, it may be sucked into the seat. This problem is appropriately called the bathtub stopper effect. That’s why we have to focus in the $\int dP$.

In many occasion, we can approximate the $\int dP$ into $\Delta P$. As we can see in $(2.1)$, the pressure drop is very important when you design the pneumatic or hydraulic system, because velocity of the fluid varies with the pressure drop by the valve structure(installed flow characteristic), regardless of whether the height difference could be ignored (height can be measured easily). Considering that, the valve coefficients are to evaluate the performance of the valve according to the pressure drop.

where $C_v\,=\,$ required flow coefficient for the valve

​ $Q\,=$ flow rate [gal/min]

​ $S_g\,=$ specific gravity of the fluid

​ $\Delta P\,=$ pressure drop [psi]

when you design the pneumatic or hydraulic system, you would often design with the Imperial units, so we should be used to take the imperial units system.

2. Theoretical Background

Let use the HGL(Hydraulic Grade Line) and EGL(Energy Grade Line) to visualize the Bernoulli’s equation much easier to understand $(2.2)$. To do this, Divide $(2.1)$ by $g$. Then we can evaluate

in this case, HGL is the $\frac{P}{\rho g}+h$(Pressure Head and Elevation Head), and EGL is HGL + $\frac{V^2}{2g}$, so $(2.3)$ is the formula of EGL. Let me show you some of explanation:

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Fig. 2.1. EGL and HGL Diagram

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Fig. 2.2. EGL and HGL for free discharge through a diffuser.

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Fig. 2.3. the place where the steep jump and steep drop occur.

By these statements and explanations for EGL and HGL, we find the velocity out approximately. Basically this kind of measurement is to find out what the pressure difference is. In industrial situation(in case that the working fluid is hydraulic fluid), generally flow is steady [Steady Flow], and density change can be negligible [Incompressible Flow]. Other conditions can be different, but in fundamental viewpoint, individual valve and piping subsystem can satisfy above six condition often, so simple analysis with the Bernoulli’s equation can work.

3. Flow characteristics

Inherent flow characteristic: The characteristics when a valve is operating with a constant pressure drop without taking into account the effects of piping.

Installed flow characteristic: The characteristics when both the valve and piping effects are taken into account. In this time, the flow characteristic changes from the ideal curve.

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Fig. 2.4. Typical inherent flow characteristics. (Courtesy of Valtek International)

The characteristic cage and linear plugs are below:

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Fig. 2.5. Characterizable cages.

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Fig. 2.6. Characterizable linear plugs.
Fig. 2.8. Typical inherent and installed linear flow characteristics.

4. Abstract

We’ve studied the concepts and fundamentals of the valve coefficients, and the principal three types of valve flowing. Valve coefficients are to define the performance of valve system according to the pressure drop. Three types of the flow characteristics are Equal-Percentage Flow Characteristic, Linear Flow Characteristic, and Quick-Open Flow Characteristic, and the plot of flow percentage according to the valve stroke percentage is [Fig. 2.4.].

We didn’t see much about the inherent flow characteristics and installed flow characteristics, so in the next article, we’ll see about that.

  1. Valve Handbook, 2nd ed., p.1.
  2. Yunus A. Cengel, 4th Ed., Fluid Mechanics - Fundamentals and Applications
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