1) Stress and Strain - Stress

-1. Stress and Strain

Stress means the force acting on the unit area, such as $\sigma\,=\,\frac{F}{A} [\frac{N}{m}]\,=\,[Pa]$ where $F\,:\,Force,\,A\,=\,Area$.

Strain means the difference between the initial length and final length for compared to the initial length, such as $\epsilon\,=\,\frac{L_0\,-\,L_f}{L_0}$. where $L_0$ is initial length of a specimen of a certain material, and $L_f$ is final length of the specimen.

The mechanics of materials are the set of study for the relations between them.

-2. Preliminaries - statics

Firstly, mechanics of materials deal with the static state, so we have two main formulas such that

In the most simple coordinates, in other words, cartesian coordinates, generally we deal with the xyz, so the above formula are expressed 6 formulas like below:

If you’re in the two-dimensional situation, above 6 formulas are to be reduced to 3 formulas such as:

In statics, support options help us to solve the problem properly, sometimes are critical to define whether the problem could be solved.

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Fig.1 - Support options
-3. Forces used to analyze the stress and strain

Abstract descriptions are below:

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Fig.2 - Force and moments acting on the body

In many cases, we’re going to deal with this picture:

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Fig.3 - Coplanar force and moment
-4. Stresses - Normal and shear stress

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Fig.4 - Z-direction stresses

So, stresses are generally expressed like below:

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Fig.5 - General expressions of stresses
-5. Premise: the condition of material which we're getting to analyze
Fig. 6 - Uniform deformation of homogeneous and isotropic material
-6. Average Normal Stress

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Fig. 7 - Infinitesimally small specimen -

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Fig. 8 - Average Normal Stress

$\sigma$: average normal stress at any point on the cross-sectional area

$N$: internal resultant normal force

$A$: cross-sectional area of the bar where $\sigma$ is determined

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Fig. 9 - Internal Equilibrium
7. Average Shear Stress

$\tau_{avg}\,=\,\frac{V}{A}$ where

$\tau_{avg}\,=\,$average shear stress at the section, which is assumed to be the same at each point on the section

$V\,=\,$internal resultant shear force on the section determined from the equations of equilibrium

$A\,=\,$area of the section

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Fig. 10 - Analysis of shear stress

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Fig. 11 - Shear stress flow in the block

and so, all four shear stresses must have equal magnitude and be directed either toward or away from each other at opposite edges of the element,

R.C. Hibbeler, “Mechanics of materials”, Pearson, 10th ed., ch.1

* indicates a required field