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My thoughts and ideas

  • 6) Bending/Transverse Stress

    1. Shear and Moment Diagrams

    Bending is somewhat longitudinal phenomenon. In that point one can get a longitudinal reference axis and members that are slender, called as Beam whose support loading is exerted on perpendicular to reference axis.

    useful image

    Fig. 6.1. General situation of bending - support and some type of forces are exerted on member
  • 1) Introduction to SLAM - Probabilistic SLAM

    1. What is SLAM?

    In robotics, SLAM(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) means the process where a mobile robot 1) builds a map of an unknown environment 2) while at the same time being localized relative to this map.

    To localize the position, the information of surrounding is essential. However, to make a map around robot obtained by itself, there should be...